Sustaining Partners

Help make the magic
all year long!

Become A Sustaining Partner

Your monthly donation supports Artistic & Operational needs of our one-of-a-kind productions and funds our Education & Community Engagement programs.

Your support sustains us all year long as we continue to create more Muny Magic!

Benefits to You:

  • Receive all the benefits of your Muny Partner level.
  • Allows you to give more by dividing your commitment into easier to handle increments.

Benefits to The Muny:

  • Eliminates cost of renewal mailings.
  • Provides The Muny with a steady source of income with which to fulfill our mission.

Choose Monthly recurring gifts:

Your gift will automatically be charged each month AND will renew annually until you tell us to stop. If your life changes, you can choose to increase, decrease or stop your monthly gift.

Choose your payment plan:

Your Muny Partner level gift will be divided into equal payments and charged on a mutually agreeable schedule. You will be contacted at the start of each fiscal year to update your commitment. Please contact us to arrange your payment plan.